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SciELO Mexico - SciELO 25 Years Seminar

Open Science Modus Operandi of Research Communication

📅 Abril 12, 2023, 12:00 – 14:00 (BRT/UTC-3)
🌐 Language: Spanish

Open data: from theory to action

Security, preparation, access, privacy and technology are the words most frequently used when researchers, informaticians and librarians express their concerns regarding the management of research data. This seminar will address the aspects to consider, as well as the steps to take to address these concerns, according to best practices and following international standards.


Research Data Management (RDM) brings with it many concerns and a desire to continue learning about a topic that is very important in the eyes of researchers, librarians, computer scientists and other personalities. This seminar aims to address everything from the essence of open data to the IT security practices that should be followed to manage it.

The digital identity plays a very important role within the RDM, so it will be reviewed how it contributes to the visibility and positioning of data through the management plan and how these together with their information can be housed within platforms called data repositories, highlighting the benefits they can have for those who consult them. Finally, a brief tour will be made of those good practices and technologies related to information security on these platforms.


12:00 – 12:10 – Opening and introduction of the panelists (Patricia Garrido Villegas) [VIDEO]

12:10 – 12:40 – The data management plan and digital identity, key aspects for visibility and positioning (Nydia Valeria López Calderón) [VIDEO] [DOWNLOAD]

12:40 – 13:10 – The data repositories, characteristics and benefits for the researcher (Sara María del Patrocinio Rodríguez Palacios) [VIDEO] [DOWNLOAD]

13:10 – 13:40 – Storage technologies and basic computer security practices (Julián Timal Tlachi) [VIDEO] [DOWNLOAD]

13:40 – 14:00 – Questions from the audience and closing (Patricia Garrido Villegas) [VIDEO]

About Patricia Garrido Villegas

Academic technician at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. From January 2010 to date she is part of the SciELO Mexico editorial team and specialist in bibliometric reporting within the General Directorate of Libraries and Digital Information Services – Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Since 2021 she is directly responsible for the indexing of SciELO Mexico journals in Dialnet. She currently holds a Master’s degree in Data Science from the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Spain and a Bachelor’s degree in Latin American Studies from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

About Nydia Valeria López Calderón

Member of the committee of experts in DataCite, she is a consultant in Open Science and specialist in the implementation of interoperable digital repositories, advisor to various institutions, especially in the area of positioning, content visibility and digital identity. 

She has coordinated the dissemination and realization of various academic events at international level with organizations such as the CAyRI Network, CONRICYT in Mexico, the Public Knowledge Project and the DSpace Mexican User Group.

About Sara María del Patrocinio Rodríguez Palacios

Master in Information Science and Knowledge Management by the Universidad Virtual del Tecnológico de Monterrey. Her professional interests are open science and the open education movement; also the evaluation of documentary organization systems, information resources management, as well as metadata management, cataloging and classification of digital resources, considering systems and international standards.

She works as a librarian for the National Directorate of Libraries of the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, where she is responsible for Open Access and the national team of catalogers. She manages the Institutional Repository of the Tecnológico de Monterrey (RITEC) and is a facilitator of the UNESCO Chair: “Open Educational Movement for Latin America” and the office of the International Council for Open of Distance Education (ICDE): OER Latin America.

About Julián Timal Tlachi

Specialist in computer science, specialized in the conformation of Interoperable Institutional Repositories, with several implementations of platforms such as DSpace, OJS, Drupal, among others, in institutions of higher education and scientific research in Latin America. He is a member of the Lyrasis team of developers, and has also worked as a consultant for the Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) of the United Nations (UN) and adds to his experience the DataVerse platform and as a developer for PID Graph.

He is currently Director of Technologies at eScire, where, in charge of a multidisciplinary team, he has implemented several Digital Repository management projects for institutions such as UNAM, UPN, CIESAS, CIBNOR, CIDE, COLPOS, ITESM, UAM and BUAP.

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Patricia Garrido Villegas

Patricia Garrido Villegas


Nydia Valeria López Calderón

Nydia Valeria López Calderón

Sara María del Patrocinio Rodríguez Palacios

Sara María del Patrocinio Rodríguez Palacios

Julián Timal Tlachi