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Crossref – SciELO 25 Years Seminar

Technological Innovations in Research Communication

📅 July 28, 2023, 11:00 – 12:00 (BRT/UTC-3)
🌐 Language: English

Building the Research Nexus together

In this session, learn about the value of metadata and review of Crossref services, as well as the latest about ROR, with Isaac Farley, Amanda French and Kora Korzec.


In this session Kora Korzec and Isaac Farley from Crossref, and Amanda French from ROR will discuss the value of metadata, followed by an overview of their services: Citedby, Crossmark, Participation Reports and Crossref APIs, and the latest about ROR.



Kora Korzec

Kora Korzec

ORCID: 0000-0002-4632-5228
Kora joined Crossref last year. She previously worked at eLife, mobilizing researchers to advocate for greater adoption of open science. Prior to that Kora headed engagement at Engineering Without Borders UK, an international development charity, and before that she promoted sustainability in Cambridgeshire. Outside work, Kora enjoys climbing and dancing. She’s also a Board member for Conservation Without Borders.Kora works remotely from Cambridge, UK.


Isaac Farley

Isaac Farley

Isaac joined Crossref int April 2018 having previously been a member. He worked for the Sociey of Exploration Geophysicists as their Digital Publications Manager. In addition to more than five years of experience in digital publishing, he has previous experience in community building, volunteer engagement, and education. He enjoys writing, music, podcasts, his family, and the outdoors, in no particular order. Isaac works remotely from Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Amanda French

Amanda French

Amanda French is a well-known community manager and project director in the digital humanities and scholarly communication sphere. Prior to joining ROR, she served as Community Lead at The COVID Tracking Project at _The Atlantic_, where she helped build and nurture a community of more than 800 volunteers dedicated to collecting and publishing key COVID-19 data. Prior to that, she directed the Mellon-funded project 'Resilient Networks for Inclusive Digital Humanities' at GWU Libraries, directed the Digital Research Services unit at Virginia Tech Libraries, led the THATCamp unconference initiative at GMU's Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, and was a member of the first cohort of CLIR Postdoctoral Fellows. She often speaks and sometimes writes about openness in scholarly publishing, crowdsourcing, Agile, digital humanities, and related topics. In her free time she plays guitar, plants pollinator-friendly flowers, and enjoys the company of one dog and three cats.

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