Susan Veldsman
Susan Veldsman has been the Director of the Scholarly Publication Programme at the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) since 2009. As Director she contributes to, among other things, driving the South African Open Science agenda; raising the visibility, discoverability, and accessibility of South African (SA) scholarly journals (including SciELO SA); improving the quality of SA research output; and supporting the development of policy frameworks to facilitate optimal use and access to publicly funded research.
Following the publishing of the ASSAF Report on Strategic Approach on Scholarly Publishing in 2006, recommending an open access repository of South African journals, she was responsible for implementing the SciELO South Africa collection in 2009 which now hosts 105 open access journals. She has also championed the government’s recognition, accreditation, and sustained funding for SciELO SA.